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First Tech Routing #321180379

Accessing your tax form is easy.

woman on laptopwoman on laptop

If you need a First Tech Tax Form, and are enrolled in electronic statements, you can now access them in our digital banking platforms:

Mobile App

  1. Log in to the First Tech App.
  2. Tap on More located in the bottom right-hand corner.
  3. Tap on Dashboard then in the drop-down menu, select Statements.
  4. Then tap on Tax Forms.


  1. Log in to Online Banking at
  2. Hover over the Dashboard drop-down menu.
  3. Select Statements.
  4. Navigate to the Tax Forms tab.

Not enrolled in electronic statements? Enrolling in electronic statements will allow you to access your previous statements dating back three years but will not include this year’s tax statement. During tax season next year, you’ll receive an electronic statement instead of a physical one. Follow the links below to enroll today:



Wondering when your tax forms will be ready? Here is a full list of tax forms and their timelines:

Tax Form Tax Form Explanation Publish Date*
1099-INT Interest Income January 31
1099-R Distributions From Pensions, Annuities, Retirement or Profit-Sharing Plans, IRAs, Insurance Contracts, etc.  January 31
1099-Q Payments From Qualified Education Plan January 31 
1099-SA Distribution from HSA January 31
1099-MISC Miscellaneous Income January 31
1099-C  Cancellation of Debt January 31
1098  Mortgage Interest  January 31
1098-E  Student Loan Interest  January 31
1042-S  Foreign Person U.S. Source Income Subject to Withholding March 15
5498-ESA Coverdell Education Savings Account Contribution Information April 30
5498 IRA Contribution Information May 31
5498-SA  HSA, Archer MSA, or Medicare Advantage MSA Information May 31