Dotty (Damon) Hayes
Vice Chair; Executive Committee
Dotty has served as the Chairman of the Board and chaired the Executive Committee since February of 2016. She joined the Board in 2002, and has chaired the Finance and Enterprise Risk Committees. Her 30-year career included executive finance roles at leading technology companies including Hewlett-Packard, Agilent Technologies and Intuit, where she was Vice President of Internal Audit at the time of her retirement.
Dotty holds Master of Science degrees in Finance from Bentley University and Business Administration (accounting concentration) from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. She is a member of Financial Executives International, the National Association of Corporate Directors, and Women Corporate Directors. She is an Independent Director and chair of the Audit Committee of Intevac and a strategic advisor with GigCapital Global. She currently serves the community through board roles with the Computer History Museum, the Center for Excellence in Nonprofits and She has sung with Schola Cantorum, a 90-voice chorus in the Silicon Valley, for over 20 years.