When It’s Time to Meet with a Financial Advisor

Nobody likes to talk about money. It’s almost taboo. In a recent study*, nearly half of those surveyed said they’d rather talk about politics, followed closely by romance, religion, and medical ailments. Money was at the bottom of the list. But when it comes to your future, talking with a Financial Advisor about your income, investments, and savings could help you achieve your goals.
Should you try to do it all on your own, including keeping up-to-date on everything in the investing and insurance industry, or should you meet with a Financial Advisor? We’ve compiled some life events when professional advice might come in handy.
When you're excited about investing
If you’re already setting goals for the future, thinking about your tolerance for risk, and finding yourself weighing long-term savings and investment options, it could be time to chat with a Financial Advisor. They’ll ask you some specific questions aimed at finding the right options for you.
When you're close to retirement age
Although there is no set age for retirement, if you’re at or near the age when you want to retire, it’s a good time to see a professional. They’ll help you plan for retirement and show you how much money you’ll need to live your ideal lifestyle.
When you're advancing in your career
With promotions come raises. With that extra money, it’s easy to fall into the spending trap. Many Americans end up spending everything they make instead of saving more for the future. A professional can help you avoid that pitfall and possibly boost your savings.
When you're getting divorced/married
There are a lot of emotions that come with both divorce and marriage. An impartial Financial Advisor may be able to see things clearly for you and your new or ex-partner. This might include how to divide or combine assets, how to ensure children are protected, and how to best follow court orders.
When you have kids
The idea of financial responsibility can really hit home when you become a parent. A Financial Advisor can help you navigate the waters of college savings while still working toward your own financial future.
When a major life event happens to you (including layoffs)
These can include the loss of a spouse, receiving a major inheritance, a parent’s failing health, if your company is offering a buyout package or pushing for early retirement, a layoff at your company, or starting your own business. Having someone in your corner can be a smart way to keep your financial goals in mind and help you make the right decisions.
Meet with a professional
The Financial Advisors at Addison Avenue Investment Services, a division of First Tech, can help you plan ahead, whether you’re facing an unexpected job change, career advancement, family change, or other factors that might impact your financial plan. Make an appointment today.
*Lexington Law; How comfortable are Americans discussing money?
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