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First Tech Routing #321180379

How to Notify Us When a Member Passes Away

After a loved one passes on, settling their accounts can be a challenging responsibility. We hope this information related to our role in this process will be helpful.
Woman holding a phone to her left ear while typing on an open laptop with her right hand.

We're here to help. Please schedule an appointment with us to discuss your situation. We also recommend you contact your financial and legal advisors for assistance.

Below are some of the documents and/or forms you may need to provide us:

  • The death certificate acts as proof that a person has passed away and gives us the information needed to verify their identity. A certified copy of the death certificate can generally be obtained from the funeral home as well from the office of vital records.
  • Letters Testamentary or Letters of Administration — These documents are issued by the court when formal probate of an estate is required under applicable state law. Either of these documents serves to confirm the identity of the deceased account holder and party/parties who have authority to handle the estate. To obtain this form, please consult your personal legal counsel.
  • Small Estate Affidavit – Many states offer a simplified process including this document when the total assets involved are below a certain value. Please contact your personal legal counsel with questions on if this form is right for your situation

Questions you may have

Schedule an appointment with a specialist.

You can send a legible photocopy or digital scan; however, depending on the circumstances, we may require a physical certified copy.

  • Hand deliver to any First Tech Location
  • Fax it to 503.350.4643 
  • Mail it to:
    First Tech Federal Credit Union
    Attn: Regulatory Deposit Services and Reporting
    PO BOX 2100
    Beaverton OR 97075

It depends on your specific circumstances. The laws of the state of residence of the deceased provide state-specific rules for requesting and transferring the deceased customer's funds, which may impose additional requirements. We'll work with you on what may be required specific to your needs.

As the specifics of each account are different, the time it may take to settle an account will also vary. We will discuss additional details with at the time of your appointment with a specialist.

Our Resources and Information guide provides additional details about account ownerships, including individually owned accounts, joint accounts, and payable on death accounts.


As the specifics of each account are different, the time it may take to settle an account will also vary. In general, we begin to process a request as soon as we receive the necessary documents. We will work with you to ensure that your case is processed properly and that we provide timely communication. If you need your case to be expedited, please let us know and we will make it a priority.

We're here to help.

Schedule an appointment today with a specialist.